Seminário Switch2Steel na Universidade de Coimbra

No dia 16 de Junho decorreu no Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Coimbra, Seminário da plataforma Switch2Steel.

Agenda do seminário: 
9:20 – Open Session
9:30 – Aldina Santiago – Fire Safety Design for Industrial Buildings and Infrastructures - University of Coimbra
9:50 - Luís Cordeiro – Platform for calculating and optimizing the cost of industrial and commercial pavilions built with metallic structures - OneSource 
10:10  - Filip Ljubinkovic – Switch2Steel Application: Background material and design examples - University of Coimbra
10:30  - Coffee break
11:45  - Pegah Aghabozorgi – Optimization of fire protection in the design of framed structures - University of Coimbra
11:05  - Nicola Tondini – Behaviour of steel pipe racks subjected to localised fires - University of Trento, UniTrento
11:30 – Closing Session